EU Regulation 2019/2088 was the first initiative from the EU to implicate the financial sector in a large-scale policy of promoting certain types of corporate policy: Environment, Social, Governance -in short ESG.

Henceforth, financial products and participants in the financial markets are obliged to disclose how they integrate the ESG policies, and if they do not, then why.

This course consists of two modules of 3 hours each, a total of 6 hours.

Module 1 : The disclosure regulation

In this module we lay out the details of the SFDR. Who are responsible for the disclosure? Where will the disclosure happen – websites, legal documents, pre-contractual documentation. 

In particular the disclosure required from investment advisors and portfolio managers has to be quite detailed.

Module 2 : The coming technical standard

So now we all have published as best we can. But the next step is that the EU becomes agood deal more precise about the various types of initiatives taken.

One overriding purpose is to ensure investors that the disclosures are sincere and precise – in other words that no new financial products are “greenwashed”.

The Technical documents afrom the EU are not yet final, but we are sufficiently close that we can give an overview already now.


Jordan te Kanawa


Jordan has worked with sustainable investments since he joined the sector 10 years ago. He has founded two companies assisting other in transforming their activities in the direction of ESG.